Empowering GenderEquality in Sports



The project directly addresses gender gaps in sports, aiming to create an environment where women and girls are equally represented, can participate fully, and can work in leading and decision making possessions in sports.


Highlighting how the project empowers female leaders in sports through education and


Opportunities for participants to build a network with peers and mentors across


Offering participants and partners visibility on a European scale, showcasing their commitment to gender equality in sports

About GEIN

The project “Female Sport Leaders Promoting Gender Independent Physical Activity” (GEIN), funded by the Erasmus program, is designed to empower sport actors in Albania and Kosovo. It focuses on promoting gender equality and leadership skills through a structured learning program and mentorship. This initiative directly addresses the underrepresentation of women in sports leadership roles, predominantly dominated by men, by fostering awareness and skill development across all genders.

The key components of the GEIN project include: Development and piloting of a learning course tailored for female sport leaders and coaches. Organization of workshops and mentoring at both national and international levels, including para-sports. Creation of a network of mentors to support ongoing gender equality efforts in the sports sector. This project aims not only to empower individuals but also to instill broader societal change towards gender equality in sports, aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality. The expected outcomes are increased gender awareness, enhanced leadership capacities among women, and a strengthened network of advocates and leaders in sports within the region.

EU Support Acknowledgment: Acknowledge the support from the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and the ERASMUS+ program, including the European flag and a statement on EU funding​​​​.

Our Partners

About Us

Our Commitment to Gender Equality in Sports

• Project Summary
• Promoting Common Values
• Non-Discrimination
• Gender Equality


Serving as the coordinator, XAMK is known for its forward-thinking approach and commitment to creating future innovations. This Finnish university of applied sciences focuses on practical learning and research, making it an ideal lead for multi-national projects.

Paralympic Committee of Kosovo (KPK)

The Paralympic Committee of Kosovo (KPK) was established in 2011 and serves as the central organization dedicated to representing and supporting athletes with disabilities in Kosovo. Its mission is to encourage widespread participation...

UCLL University of Applied Sciences

UCLL University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest institutions of higher education in Flanders, offering a variety of degrees and programs in teacher education, management, technology, health, and social studies...

Albanian National Olympic Committee

The Albanian National Olympic Committee (ANOC) is dedicated to promoting the Olympic values and supporting the development of sports in Albania. It collaborates with various sports organizations...

Sports University of Tirana (SUT)

The Sports University of Tirana (SUT) is Albania’s sole institution for training physical education teachers, sports specialists, and related professionals...

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Access to the three transnational research reports/articles produced by the project alongside recommendations and guidelines for sport actors on bridging the gender gap.

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A collection of images and videos from workshops, mentoring sessions, and other project activities showcasing the involvement across genders in promoting the project’s goals.

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About Us

The project “Female Sport Leaders Promoting Gender Independent Physical Activity” (GEIN), funded by the Erasmus program, is designed to empower sport actors in Albania and Kosovo. It focuses on promoting gender equality and leadership skills through a structured learning program and mentorship.

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DISCLAIMER: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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