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Project Summary: The project aims to enhance the role of sports as a medium for promoting key societal values—common values, non-discrimination, and gender equality—aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5, which advocates for gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.

Promoting Common Values: The project seeks to foster a sense of community and shared values across different cultures and societies through sports. This includes the promotion of diversity, equality, non-discrimination, and human rights.

Non-Discrimination: Ensuring equal access and opportunities in sports activities is a fundamental aspect of the project. It aims to eliminate all forms of discrimination, thus providing every individual with a fair chance to participate and benefit from sports, regardless of their background, gender, or other potential bases of exclusion.

Gender Equality: The project directly addresses gender gaps in sports, aiming to create an environment where women and girls are equally represented, can participate fully, and can lead in sports activities. This objective is aligned with creating equitable leadership opportunities and challenging gender norms within the sports sector.

Our Stand for Gender Equality in Sports

Through advocacy, education, and community engagement, we strive to break down barriers and promote inclusivity, fairness, and respect for all. Join us in our journey to empower women and build a more equitable future in sports.

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About Us
The project “Female Sport Leaders Promoting Gender Independent Physical Activity” (GEIN), funded by the Erasmus program, is designed to empower sport actors in Albania and Kosovo. It focuses on promoting gender equality and leadership skills through a structured learning program and mentorship.
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